/* ======================================================================== * Extends Bootstrap v3.1.1 * Copyright (c) <2015> PayPal * All rights reserved. * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of PayPal or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ======================================================================== */ (function($) { "use strict"; // GENERAL UTILITY FUNCTIONS // =============================== var uniqueId = function(prefix) { return (prefix || 'ui-id') + '-' + Math.floor((Math.random()*1000)+1) } var removeMultiValAttributes = function (el, attr, val) { var describedby = (el.attr( attr ) || "").split( /\s+/ ) , index = $.inArray(val, describedby) if ( index !== -1 ) { describedby.splice( index, 1 ) } describedby = $.trim( describedby.join( " " ) ) if (describedby ) { el.attr( attr, describedby ) } else { el.removeAttr( attr ) } } // selectors Courtesy: https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui/blob/master/ui/core.js var focusable = function ( element, isTabIndexNotNaN ) { var map, mapName, img, nodeName = element.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if ( "area" === nodeName ) { map = element.parentNode; mapName = map.name; if ( !element.href || !mapName || map.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "map" ) { return false; } img = $( "img[usemap='#" + mapName + "']" )[ 0 ]; return !!img && visible( img ); } return ( /input|select|textarea|button|object/.test( nodeName ) ? !element.disabled : "a" === nodeName ? element.href || isTabIndexNotNaN :isTabIndexNotNaN) && visible( element ); // the element and all of its ancestors must be visible } var visible = function ( element ) { return $.expr.filters.visible( element ) && !$( element ).parents().addBack().filter(function() { return $.css( this, "visibility" ) === "hidden"; }).length; } $.extend( $.expr[ ":" ], { data: $.expr.createPseudo ? $.expr.createPseudo(function( dataName ) { return function( elem ) { return !!$.data( elem, dataName ); }; }) : // support: jQuery <1.8 function( elem, i, match ) { return !!$.data( elem, match[ 3 ] ); }, focusable: function( element ) { return focusable( element, !isNaN( $.attr( element, "tabindex" ) ) ); }, tabbable: function( element ) { var tabIndex = $.attr( element, "tabindex" ), isTabIndexNaN = isNaN( tabIndex ); return ( isTabIndexNaN || tabIndex >= 0 ) && focusable( element, !isTabIndexNaN ); } }); // Modal Extension // =============================== $('.modal-dialog').attr( {'role' : 'document'}) var modalhide = $.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype.hide $.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype.hide = function(){ modalhide.apply(this, arguments) $(document).off('keydown.bs.modal') } var modalfocus = $.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype.enforceFocus $.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype.enforceFocus = function(){ var focEls = this.$element.find(":tabbable") , lastEl = focEls[focEls.length-1] $(document).on('keydown.bs.modal', $.proxy(function (ev) { if(!this.$element.has(ev.target).length && ev.shiftKey && ev.keyCode === 9) { lastEl.focus() ev.preventDefault(); } }, this)) modalfocus.apply(this, arguments) } // DROPDOWN Extension // =============================== var toggle = '[data-toggle=dropdown]' , $par , firstItem , focusDelay = 200 , menus = $(toggle).parent().find('ul').attr('role','menu') , lis = menus.find('li').attr('role','presentation') // add menuitem role and tabIndex to dropdown links lis.find('a').attr({'role':'menuitem', 'tabIndex':'-1'}) // add aria attributes to dropdown toggle $(toggle).attr({ 'aria-haspopup':'true', 'aria-expanded': 'false'}) $(toggle).parent() // Update aria-expanded when open .on('shown.bs.dropdown',function(e){ $par = $(this) var $toggle = $par.find(toggle) $toggle.attr('aria-expanded','true') $toggle.on('keydown.bs.dropdown', $.proxy(function (ev) { setTimeout(function() { firstItem = $('.dropdown-menu [role=menuitem]:visible', $par)[0] try{ firstItem.focus()} catch(ex) {} }, focusDelay) }, this)) }) // Update aria-expanded when closed .on('hidden.bs.dropdown',function(e){ $par = $(this) var $toggle = $par.find(toggle) $toggle.attr('aria-expanded','false') }) // Close the dropdown if tabbed away from $(document) .on('focusout.dropdown.data-api', '.dropdown-menu', function(e){ var $this = $(this) , that = this; // since we're trying to close when appropriate, // make sure the dropdown is open if (!$this.parent().hasClass('open')) { return; } setTimeout(function() { if(!$.contains(that, document.activeElement)){ $this.parent().find('[data-toggle=dropdown]').dropdown('toggle') } }, 150) }) .on('keydown.bs.dropdown.data-api', toggle + ', [role=menu]' , $.fn.dropdown.Constructor.prototype.keydown) // Tab Extension // =============================== var $tablist = $('.nav-tabs, .nav-pills') , $lis = $tablist.children('li') , $tabs = $tablist.find('[data-toggle="tab"], [data-toggle="pill"]') if($tabs){ $tablist.attr('role', 'tablist') $lis.attr('role', 'presentation') $tabs.attr('role', 'tab') } $tabs.each(function( index ) { var tabpanel = $($(this).attr('href')) , tab = $(this) , tabid = tab.attr('id') || uniqueId('ui-tab') tab.attr('id', tabid) if(tab.parent().hasClass('active')){ tab.attr( { 'tabIndex' : '0', 'aria-selected' : 'true', 'aria-controls': tab.attr('href').substr(1) } ) tabpanel.attr({ 'role' : 'tabpanel', 'tabIndex' : '0', 'aria-hidden' : 'false', 'aria-labelledby':tabid }) }else{ tab.attr( { 'tabIndex' : '-1', 'aria-selected' : 'false', 'aria-controls': tab.attr('href').substr(1) } ) tabpanel.attr( { 'role' : 'tabpanel', 'tabIndex' : '-1', 'aria-hidden' : 'true', 'aria-labelledby':tabid } ) } }) $.fn.tab.Constructor.prototype.keydown = function (e) { var $this = $(this) , $items , $ul = $this.closest('ul[role=tablist] ') , index , k = e.which || e.keyCode $this = $(this) if (!/(37|38|39|40)/.test(k)) return $items = $ul.find('[role=tab]:visible') index = $items.index($items.filter(':focus')) if (k == 38 || k == 37) index-- // up & left if (k == 39 || k == 40) index++ // down & right if(index < 0) index = $items.length -1 if(index == $items.length) index = 0 var nextTab = $items.eq(index) if(nextTab.attr('role') ==='tab'){ nextTab.tab('show') //Comment this line for dynamically loaded tabPabels, to save Ajax requests on arrow key navigation .focus() } // nextTab.focus() e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() } $(document).on('keydown.tab.data-api','[data-toggle="tab"], [data-toggle="pill"]' , $.fn.tab.Constructor.prototype.keydown) var tabactivate = $.fn.tab.Constructor.prototype.activate; $.fn.tab.Constructor.prototype.activate = function (element, container, callback) { var $active = container.find('> .active') $active.find('[data-toggle=tab], [data-toggle=pill]').attr({ 'tabIndex' : '-1','aria-selected' : false }) $active.filter('.tab-pane').attr({ 'aria-hidden' : true,'tabIndex' : '-1' }) tabactivate.apply(this, arguments) element.addClass('active') element.find('[data-toggle=tab], [data-toggle=pill]').attr({ 'tabIndex' : '0','aria-selected' : true }) element.filter('.tab-pane').attr({ 'aria-hidden' : false,'tabIndex' : '0' }) } // Collapse Extension // =============================== var $colltabs = $('[data-toggle="collapse"]') $colltabs.each(function( index ) { var colltab = $(this) , collpanel = (colltab.attr('data-target')) ? $(colltab.attr('data-target')) : $(colltab.attr('href')) , parent = colltab.attr('data-parent') , collparent = parent && $(parent) , collid = colltab.attr('id') || uniqueId('ui-collapse') colltab.attr('id', collid) if(collparent){ colltab.attr({ 'role':'tab', 'aria-selected':'false', 'aria-expanded':'false' }) $(collparent).find('div:not(.collapse,.panel-body), h4').attr('role','presentation') collparent.attr({ 'role' : 'tablist', 'aria-multiselectable' : 'true' }) if(collpanel.hasClass('in')){ colltab.attr({ 'aria-controls': collpanel.attr('id'), 'aria-selected':'true', 'aria-expanded':'true', 'tabindex':'0' }) collpanel.attr({ 'role':'tabpanel', 'tabindex':'0', 'aria-labelledby':collid, 'aria-hidden':'false' }) }else{ colltab.attr({'aria-controls' : collpanel.attr('id'), 'tabindex':'-1' }) collpanel.attr({ 'role':'tabpanel', 'tabindex':'-1', 'aria-labelledby':collid, 'aria-hidden':'true' }) } } }) var collToggle = $.fn.collapse.Constructor.prototype.toggle $.fn.collapse.Constructor.prototype.toggle = function(){ var prevTab = this.$parent && this.$parent.find('[aria-expanded="true"]') , href if(prevTab){ var prevPanel = prevTab.attr('data-target') || (href = prevTab.attr('href')) && href.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, '') , $prevPanel = $(prevPanel) , $curPanel = this.$element , par = this.$parent , curTab if (this.$parent) curTab = this.$parent.find('[data-toggle=collapse][href="#' + this.$element.attr('id') + '"]') collToggle.apply(this, arguments) if ($.support.transition) { this.$element.one($.support.transition.end, function(){ prevTab.attr({ 'aria-selected':'false','aria-expanded':'false', 'tabIndex':'-1' }) $prevPanel.attr({ 'aria-hidden' : 'true','tabIndex' : '-1'}) curTab.attr({ 'aria-selected':'true','aria-expanded':'true', 'tabIndex':'0' }) if($curPanel.hasClass('in')){ $curPanel.attr({ 'aria-hidden' : 'false','tabIndex' : '0' }) }else{ curTab.attr({ 'aria-selected':'false','aria-expanded':'false'}) $curPanel.attr({ 'aria-hidden' : 'true','tabIndex' : '-1' }) } }) } }else{ collToggle.apply(this, arguments) } } $.fn.collapse.Constructor.prototype.keydown = function (e) { var $this = $(this) , $items , $tablist = $this.closest('div[role=tablist] ') , index , k = e.which || e.keyCode $this = $(this) if (!/(32|37|38|39|40)/.test(k)) return if(k==32) $this.click() $items = $tablist.find('[role=tab]') index = $items.index($items.filter(':focus')) if (k == 38 || k == 37) index-- // up & left if (k == 39 || k == 40) index++ // down & right if(index < 0) index = $items.length -1 if(index == $items.length) index = 0 $items.eq(index).focus() e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() } $(document).on('keydown.collapse.data-api','[data-toggle="collapse"]' , $.fn.collapse.Constructor.prototype.keydown) // Carousel Extension // =============================== $('.carousel').each(function (index) { // This function positions a highlight box around the tabs in the tablist to use in focus styling function setTablistHighlightBox() { var $tab , offset , height , width , highlightBox = {} highlightBox.top = 0 highlightBox.left = 32000 highlightBox.height = 0 highlightBox.width = 0 for (var i = 0; i < $tabs.length; i++) { $tab = $tabs[i] offset = $($tab).offset() height = $($tab).height() width = $($tab).width() // console.log(" Top: " + offset.top + " Left: " + offset.left + " Height: " + height + " Width: " + width) if (highlightBox.top < offset.top) { highlightBox.top = Math.round(offset.top) } if (highlightBox.height < height) { highlightBox.height = Math.round(height) } if (highlightBox.left > offset.left) { highlightBox.left = Math.round(offset.left) } var w = (offset.left - highlightBox.left) + Math.round(width) if (highlightBox.width < w) { highlightBox.width = w } } // end for // console.log("[HIGHLIGHT] Top: " + highlightBox.top + " Left: " + highlightBox.left + " Height: " + highlightBox.height + " Width: " + highlightBox.width) $tablistHighlight.style.top = (highlightBox.top - 2) + 'px' $tablistHighlight.style.left = (highlightBox.left - 2) + 'px' $tablistHighlight.style.height = (highlightBox.height + 7) + 'px' $tablistHighlight.style.width = (highlightBox.width + 8) + 'px' } // end function var $this = $(this) , $prev = $this.find('[data-slide="prev"]') , $next = $this.find('[data-slide="next"]') , $tablist = $this.find('.carousel-indicators') , $tabs = $this.find('.carousel-indicators li') , $tabpanels = $this.find('.item') , $tabpanel , $tablistHighlight , $pauseCarousel , $complementaryLandmark , $tab , $is_paused = false , offset , height , width , i , id_title = 'id_title' , id_desc = 'id_desc' $tablist.attr('role', 'tablist') $tabs.focus(function() { $this.carousel('pause') $is_paused = true $pauseCarousel.innerHTML = "Play Carousel" $(this).parent().addClass('active'); // $(this).addClass('focus') setTablistHighlightBox() $($tablistHighlight).addClass('focus') $(this).parents('.carousel').addClass('contrast') }) $tabs.blur(function(event) { $(this).parent().removeClass('active'); // $(this).removeClass('focus') $($tablistHighlight).removeClass('focus') $(this).parents('.carousel').removeClass('contrast') }) for (i = 0; i < $tabpanels.length; i++) { $tabpanel = $tabpanels[i] $tabpanel.setAttribute('role', 'tabpanel') $tabpanel.setAttribute('id', 'tabpanel-' + index + '-' + i) $tabpanel.setAttribute('aria-labelledby', 'tab-' + index + '-' + i) } if (typeof $this.attr('role') !== 'string') { $this.attr('role', 'complementary'); $this.attr('aria-labelledby', id_title); $this.attr('aria-describedby', id_desc); $this.prepend('

A carousel is a rotating set of images, rotation stops on keyboard focus on carousel tab controls or hovering the mouse pointer over images. Use the tabs or the previous and next buttons to change the displayed slide.

') $this.prepend('

Carousel content with ' + $tabpanels.length + ' slides.

') } for (i = 0; i < $tabs.length; i++) { $tab = $tabs[i] $tab.setAttribute('role', 'tab') $tab.setAttribute('id', 'tab-' + index + '-' + i) $tab.setAttribute('aria-controls', 'tabpanel-' + index + '-' + i) var tpId = '#tabpanel-' + index + '-' + i var caption = $this.find(tpId).find('h1').text() if ((typeof caption !== 'string') || (caption.length === 0)) caption = $this.find(tpId).text() if ((typeof caption !== 'string') || (caption.length === 0)) caption = $this.find(tpId).find('h3').text() if ((typeof caption !== 'string') || (caption.length === 0)) caption = $this.find(tpId).find('h4').text() if ((typeof caption !== 'string') || (caption.length === 0)) caption = $this.find(tpId).find('h5').text() if ((typeof caption !== 'string') || (caption.length === 0)) caption = $this.find(tpId).find('h6').text() if ((typeof caption !== 'string') || (caption.length === 0)) caption = "no title"; // console.log("CAPTION: " + caption ) var tabName = document.createElement('span') tabName.setAttribute('class', 'sr-only') tabName.innerHTML='Slide ' + (i+1) if (caption) tabName.innerHTML += ": " + caption $tab.appendChild(tabName) } // create div for focus styling of tablist $tablistHighlight = document.createElement('div') $tablistHighlight.className = 'carousel-tablist-highlight' document.body.appendChild($tablistHighlight) // create button for screen reader users to stop rotation of carousel // create button for screen reader users to pause carousel for virtual mode review $complementaryLandmark = document.createElement('aside') $complementaryLandmark.setAttribute('aria-label', 'carousel pause/play control') $(document.body).prepend($complementaryLandmark) $pauseCarousel = document.createElement('button') $pauseCarousel.className = "carousel-pause-button" $pauseCarousel.innerHTML = "Pause Carousel" $pauseCarousel.setAttribute('title', "Pause/Play carousel button can be used by screen reader users to stop carousel animations") $($complementaryLandmark).append($pauseCarousel) $($pauseCarousel).click(function() { if ($is_paused) { $pauseCarousel.innerHTML = "Pause Carousel" $this.carousel('cycle') $is_paused = false } else { $pauseCarousel.innerHTML = "Play Carousel" $this.carousel('pause') $is_paused = true } }) $($pauseCarousel).focus(function() { $(this).addClass('focus') }) $($pauseCarousel).blur(function() { $(this).removeClass('focus') }) setTablistHighlightBox() $( window ).resize(function() { setTablistHighlightBox() }) // Add space bar behavior to prev and next buttons for SR compatibility $prev.attr('aria-label', 'Previous Slide') $prev.keydown(function(e) { var k = e.which || e.keyCode if (/(13|32)/.test(k)) { e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() $prev.trigger('click'); } }); $prev.focus(function() { $(this).parents('.carousel').addClass('contrast') }) $prev.blur(function() { $(this).parents('.carousel').removeClass('contrast') }) $next.attr('aria-label', 'Next Slide') $next.keydown(function(e) { var k = e.which || e.keyCode if (/(13|32)/.test(k)) { e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() $next.trigger('click'); } }); $next.focus(function() { $(this).parents('.carousel').addClass('contrast') }) $next.blur(function() { $(this).parents('.carousel').removeClass('contrast') }) $('.carousel-inner a').focus(function() { $(this).parents('.carousel').addClass('contrast') }) $('.carousel-inner a').blur(function() { $(this).parents('.carousel').removeClass('contrast') }) $tabs.each(function () { var item = $(this) if(item.hasClass('active')) { item.attr({ 'aria-selected': 'true', 'tabindex' : '0' }) }else{ item.attr({ 'aria-selected': 'false', 'tabindex' : '-1' }) } }) }) var slideCarousel = $.fn.carousel.Constructor.prototype.slide $.fn.carousel.Constructor.prototype.slide = function (type, next) { var $element = this.$element , $active = $element.find('[role=tabpanel].active') , $next = next || $active[type]() , $tab , $tab_count = $element.find('[role=tabpanel]').size() , $prev_side = $element.find('[data-slide="prev"]') , $next_side = $element.find('[data-slide="next"]') , $index = 0 , $prev_index = $tab_count -1 , $next_index = 1 , $id if ($next && $next.attr('id')) { $id = $next.attr('id') $index = $id.lastIndexOf("-") if ($index >= 0) $index = parseInt($id.substring($index+1), 10) $prev_index = $index - 1 if ($prev_index < 1) $prev_index = $tab_count - 1 $next_index = $index + 1 if ($next_index >= $tab_count) $next_index = 0 } $prev_side.attr('aria-label', 'Show slide ' + ($prev_index+1) + ' of ' + $tab_count) $next_side.attr('aria-label', 'Show slide ' + ($next_index+1) + ' of ' + $tab_count) slideCarousel.apply(this, arguments) $active .one('bsTransitionEnd', function () { var $tab $tab = $element.find('li[aria-controls="' + $active.attr('id') + '"]') if ($tab) $tab.attr({'aria-selected':false, 'tabIndex': '-1'}) $tab = $element.find('li[aria-controls="' + $next.attr('id') + '"]') if ($tab) $tab.attr({'aria-selected': true, 'tabIndex': '0'}) }) } var $this; $.fn.carousel.Constructor.prototype.keydown = function (e) { $this = $this || $(this) if(this instanceof Node) $this = $(this) function selectTab(index) { if (index >= $tabs.length) return if (index < 0) return $carousel.carousel(index) setTimeout(function () { $tabs[index].focus() // $this.prev().focus() }, 150) } var $carousel = $(e.target).closest('.carousel') , $tabs = $carousel.find('[role=tab]') , k = e.which || e.keyCode , index if (!/(37|38|39|40)/.test(k)) return index = $tabs.index($tabs.filter('.active')) if (k == 37 || k == 38) { // Up index-- selectTab(index); } if (k == 39 || k == 40) { // Down index++ selectTab(index); } e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() } $(document).on('keydown.carousel.data-api', 'li[role=tab]', $.fn.carousel.Constructor.prototype.keydown) })(jQuery);